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Real estate appraisers in Fannin

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Company Name - Description Services Provided Phone
A1 Appraise   Login to manage favorites
Joseph deLautre

Accurate appraisals with a 48 hour turn time.
Residential. 214 223.6104
Larry E. Dobbs, Inc. Appraisals   Login to manage favorites
Larry Dobbs

24-48 hour single family turn around. 33 counties surrounding the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex and East Texas. We also do commercial, farm and ranch ap...

Visitor Rating: 000 ( 4 votes )
Residential, Commercial, EDI capable. 214 674.8187
Excel Appraisal Group   Login to manage favorites
Brendan Duffey

Over 12 years appraisal experience appraising in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. 24 hr. turnaround times. Weekend appointments available.

Visitor Rating: 0000 ( 6 votes )
Residential, FHA. 972 523.3585
Risinger & Co   Login to manage favorites
Tim Risinger

I service Lamar, Hopkins, Delta, Fannin, Red River, Franklin and Titus counties. In most cases I have a 2-3 day turn around time. I work hard to produ...
Residential, EDI capable. 903 783.9444
Walden Appraisal Service   Login to manage favorites
William Walden

Residential, FHA, EDI capable. 214 762.3649

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