Real Estate Appraisers Directory | Kentucky Appraisers | Boyd Appraisers | Prichard Realty, Inc. (id: 4068)
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Company Name:  Prichard Realty, Inc. Login to manage favorites
Appraiser Name  Lynn Prichard
Postal Address:  8133 Midland Trail
City:  Ashland
State:  Kentucky
Zip Code:  41102
State Licensed In:  Kentucky
State License or Certification Number:  00317
License/Certificate Type:  Certified General.
Phone Number:  606 928.5584
Fax Number:  606 928.5587
Services Provided:  Residential, Commercial, EDI capable.
Counties We Serve:  Boyd, Greenup, Lawrence, Carter.
Specialty:  Schools.

Visitors  7397 since 02/17/2010.
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Reviews: 0
Appraiser Lynn Prichard with Prichard Realty, Inc. is also listed in:

- Kentucky / Carter
- Kentucky / Greenup
- Kentucky / Lawrence
- Kentucky / Boyd

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